Title: WALRUS V4

ID number:21920108

Implementation period:20/09/2019–31/05/2020

Source and amount of funding: International Visegrad Fund, € 32,500.00

Project description: The project is mainly based on supporting active and healthy life for all generations.

Main activities of the project are in Mielno PL and in Kravany SK. 

The first event in Kravany will be organized just on SK-HU border. Municipality Kravany and  Lábatlan are separated only by Dunaj river. The event on beach Kravany will be common for Kravany and Lábatlan. It will be good occasion for propagation of nature, opportunities for tourism on SK-HU border region. Next event will be in Mielno on Baltic sea which is well known for good beach, special culture and sports events. It will be very good place for common meeting of “walruses” from all v4 countries. It will be a good opportunity for comparison river “walruses” to sea “walruses” 

Project is supporting by International Visegrad Fund.